I recently teamed up with Katie Aherne (Yoga/Mindfulness Instructor) and ran a Teenage Workshop in the Kingsley Hotel, Cork. This was a great success - the teens really got involved in both sections of the workshop and the response was very positive. Teenagers need a reality check on what really matters in their world. Social media gives out such mixed ideas, many of them are struggling in their everyday lives. Being a teenager was always difficult and came with many challenges but never so challenging as it is today with the constant presence of social media.

Some of the areas we covered;
Self-confidence / Friendship (what is real and what is not real) / peer pressure / exam pressures / values / personal strengths / mindfulness / yoga and many more….
I wanted to share a few of the comments from the teens at the end of the session to give parents an understanding of how important these types of workshops are and how effective they can be.

“I am going to spend more time with my family”
“I want a better relationship with my mum, I am going to try to work on this”
“I have learnt that my phone has been controlling me and I need to control my phone and not let it effect me so much”
“I understand now how fake social media is and how I have left it control so many parts of my life”
“I think I need to look at my friend group as I do not feel comfortable with the people I am with now, I realise how important it is to surround myself with ‘real’ friends”
“No one ever talks to us about this stuff and we need help-I think every teenager should attend a workshop like this”
“I never thought about my strengths before, it really made me feel better about myself”
“I am so tired all the time and this has made me realise I need sleep, I need a break from my phone”
“I realise my future is up to me - I have to make good choices for myself - and I am going to start now”
“why doesn't anyone ever speak to us about these issues in school, there are so many of us struggling - these types of workshops really help us to remember what is important in our lives and that it is up to us to make the right choices for ourselves”
“I know I have to turn my phone off when studying as it stops my concentrating and doing my best”
“my phone is so fake and so controlling - I am going to take a break from it more often and do things that help me”
“the circle of ‘the most important people in my life’ really made me realise I need to spend more time with these people without my phone.”
“the mindfulness part really helped me to relax and switch off - I don't know when I did that last”
“I want to start yoga - I found it really relaxing - I even fell asleep”
“I think yoga/mindfulness is so important - we need to learn how to switch off and relax “
“The breathing part really helped me to relax I am going to practice it at home to help me with my anxiety”
“it really helped to realise other teens are struggling with the same things as I am - it made me feel normal”

These were just a few of the comments but very positive. Working with teens to help them to ‘be the best they can be’ is a passion of ours. We hope to run many more of these workshop for younger kids, teenagers, exam students and parents.
If you are interested in any of the above or would like us to run a workshop in your school, locally - or for a group of friends, please let us know and we can organise something to suit your needs.
Our teens are struggling, maybe a lot or maybe a little, but let us support them so the little problems do not become bigger problems, help them to learn to live in this technological run world in a happier and more positive way. There is no realistic education in schools to support

Eileen Keane